- Tournament entrance fee is $40 per tournament.
- Start of tournaments: Members that attend the meeting before a tournament will draw from the low starting numbers and the remaining numbers will be drawn the day of the tournament at the ramp in the order of payment to the tournament director. Boater must be present to draw a number. The person who draws the highest start number will be the start master. When your number is called you must proceed past the start master.
- BCAC has a zero tolerance drug and alcohol policy before and during all tournaments. Official tournament is completed when prizes are awarded.
- Each state’s boating safety certification requirements will be obeyed. ALL PA, NJ, and MD state laws, fishing laws, along with creel limits will be followed. Currently NJ and PA Law states that it is illegal to cull dead fish. The Executive Committee will enforce all state boating and fishing laws. If there is a violation, penalties can range anywhere from loss of points to disqualification. Each violation will be judged at the time by the Executive Committee.
- Safe boating shall be observed at all times. During tournaments, each contestant is required to wear a Coast Guard approved life preserver any time the
combustion engine (Big motor) is IN GEAR. All boats equipped with an emergency ignition shut-off device must be securely attached to the driver’s body
whenever the combustion engine is in IN GEAR. Boat Lights will be turned on anytime between sunset to sunrise. Lights are a must during unsafe light, fog, and night fishing. Penalty: Disqualification - No Wake areas will be respected. This means no white water. Efforts will be made at all times not to wake fellow fisherman. PA law says no wake within 100 ft. of shore or boats. Manor Lake please use common sense. (Minimum height swell speed) The slowest engagement speed for the engine and the speed at which the wake or wash creates a minimum disturbance. Penalty: Disqualification
- BCAC Manor speed policy in effect. (30 MPH)
- Do not fish within 50ft of other boats or 100ft of anchored boat or bank fishermen unless you ask their permission. (Power poles that are down are considered an anchored boat) Penalty: One warning per year.
- Anyone leaving a tournament early:
■ Must notify a tournament official prior to the start, except for emergencies.
■ Anglers must find the tournament director and weigh fish on hand scale and release. - Live bait is not permitted during tournaments.
- At the end of tournaments, all boats must be back at the starting point on time.
Penalty for being late: You will lose (1) pound of fish per minute late for the first (5) minutes. If you have no fish and are late you will lose 1 point per minute. After 5 minutes you will be disqualified from the tournament. No excuse will be accepted for lateness. Cell phone time will be the official clock on all starts and finishes. - Live fish: Every effort must be made to keep bass alive through the use of a properly aerated live well. Eight (8) ounces will be deducted from that specific
dead fish. Example – If you bring in a 5lb 8oz fish that is dead will be recorded as a 5lber. If there is a live fish heavier than your 5lb fish (and that’s the biggest fish weighed) – that fish will be awarded lunker for the day. - All fish must be weighed–in. You cannot throw keeper fish back. Penalty: DQ.
- Contestants are requested to witness measuring and weighing of fish. Any short fish will be assessed a penalty of (1) lb per short fish. (short fish weight will not count) Angler can ask for a courtesy measure.
- In the event there are (2) or more lunkers that weigh exactly the same, the tie will be broken by the longest fish. If weight and length are the same, the
anglers will split the kitty. - In the event of a tie for point placement in a tournament, the tie will be broken by the weight of the lunker. If there is still a tie, it will be broken by the length of the lunker.
- Disqualification Rules:
DQ 1 – honest mistake / you get to use the 0 awarded points as one of your drops. (this is subjective and up to Executive Committee)
Ex. XXXX dropping his fish into wrong lake – computer inputs are normal.
DQ2 – this DQ involves blatant disregard for rules – Ex. XXXX not weighing his fish.
Penalty same as DQ1 – plus a DQ penalty point subtraction 25 points subtraction? 50 Points Subtraction? (This is subjective and up to the Executive Committee) Bad boating ?? there are degrees of bad boating – ex committee discretion
DQ 3 – same penalties of 1 and 2 with a 100 point blow up your year subtraction – you are nearly thrown out of club (Executive Committee discretion)
Ex XXXX fishing new year while not being PW member (Trespassing-Ginger’s term). - When fishing a BCAC Tournament you can not fish another tournament at the same time.
- In the event that a BCAC tournament is canceled for safety reasons, it will be up to the discretion of the Executive Committee to reschedule that tournament.
- Choice lake tournaments:
■ You can choose which lake you want to fish for that day.
■ You must stay on that lake for the duration of the tournament.
■ There will be no switching lakes during the tournament.
■ Sign in and weigh in location will be decided by the tournament director prior to the tournament.
■ All fish caught must be released back into the lake they were caught, failure to do so will result in disqualification for that tournament.
■ Each angler must return their own fish to the lake they were caught, no one can take fish back for someone else, this will result in disqualification. - Information Sharing: It is against club policy to share fishing information with other Anglers competing during a club tournament. Doing so will lead
to disqualification.
Update January, 2023